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Q: How many oranges does it take to make a glass of OJ?
A: It takes approximately 4 oranges to make a 250ml glass of OJ.

Q: Do I have to peel the oranges first?
A: No, the machine slices the oranges in two and then squeezes them.

Q: How much does a box of oranges cost?
A: A box of 105 oranges cost’s between €10 and €13 euro?

Q: Is the Zumex Juicer profitable?
A: Yes, the Zumex Juicer can pay for itself in a little as 3 months and it costs only 40c to produce a beverage that sells for approximately €3.00 euro per glass.

Q: What type of oranges do I need?
A: Your fruit wholesaler will advise you on this. There are different types at different times of the year. They range from South African to Cuban to Moroccan.

Q: Is the machine easy to clean?
A: Zumex Juicers iare simple to clean and takes about 10 minutes. The parts are detachable which can be put in the dishwasher.

Q: Can I bottle the juice?
A: Yes. The machine comes with an optional bottling kit.

Q: Where will I get bottles?
A: You can get the bottles through Sejuice.

Q: Is there a solution for the lack of space on my counter top?
A: The Zumex Juicer comes with the option of a stand.


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